Walking Group

Posted on January 31 2012

Enthusiastic walkers braved the wind and rain to take part in the first organised walk by Morton’s newest activity group.

More than 17 keen people, of all levels, met at the Village Hall then left to complete the 1.3 mile planned route around the village.

Group Organiser, Mr Walt Edson, said he was really pleased with the turnout. He said the group had attracted people new to the village and welcomed one walker who had lived in Morton for more than 30 years.

Walt said: “Despite the weather we had a great time. We had a good natter all the way around, then got back to the village hall for a warm drink and another good natter. A great time was had by all.”

The next group walks are on Tuesday 7th February and then Tuesday 21st February – all are very welcome. We meet at 10.30am at Morton Village Hall. Please come along and join us.