Volunteers required please

Posted on May 22 2012

Volunteers are required please for planting the new park and for watering and maintaining flower planters throughout the village.

On Sunday 3rd June 2012, we are planting all the flower beds at the new park. Everyone is welcome to help. The more volunteers, the more we can achieve on the day. If you are able to help please contact Tina Chipp on .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 07790 039614 or just turn up on the day. Donations of any spare colourful bedding plants would be greatly appreciated as well to help brighten the park for the official opening ceremony.

Please bring whatever you can from the following list:
watering cans,
wheel barrows,
scissors/knives for cutting through the weed material,
left over plants and bulbs (and compost!)

and for your own comfort:
suitable clothing,
and something to kneel on.

In addition, this year the planting, watering and maintaining of the seven planters throughout the village will be carried out by volunteers. Thanks to those who have already volunteered – we already have volunteers for 4 of the planters. We still need additional volunteers – are you able to help please?