Reminder - Morton Time Capsule

Posted on August 31 2012

Reminder – The Morton time capsule will be sealed in mid September, to be reopened on the day of the next coronation. Thank you for all the entries so far – if you haven’t contributed yet there is still time.

Why we are having a time capsule?

We thought it would be a great idea to fill a time capsule in the same year that we open the new park. The time capsule will be stored in a secret, dry location and will be opened on the day of the next coronation.

What can I put in the time capsule?

The time capsule is fairly small so we ask that you limit the contents to a medium sized envelope. Here are some ideas as to what to put in your envelope.

  1. Letter describing the park and what your favourite piece of equipment is
  2. Letter describing what it is like to live in Morton
  3. Letter containing some predictions for you

If you do not want to write anything then consider putting some of the following in your envelope:

  1. Photo of your whole class
  2. Photo of you and your friends/family
  3. TV guide
  4. Newspaper cutting
  5. Movie reviews
  6. Music
  7. List of food prices

When can I put my contribution in the time capsule?

• Give it to any Parish Councillor – List of Parish Councillors
• Place it in the time capsule at the Picnic in the Park on 1st September 2012 (2pm to 5pm)