Public petitions website goes live

Posted on July 29 2011

A new website that lets you petition the government online has gone live.

Using the new e-petitions site, you can create a public petition on anything the government is responsible for.

Eligible petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures will be considered for debate in Parliament.

It is hoped the e-petitions site will make petitions a useful democratic tool, and encourage more people to get involved in politics.

Sir George Young MP, Leader of the House of Commons, said: “The public already have many opportunities to make their voices heard in Parliament, and this new system of e-petitions could give them a megaphone.

“Of course parliamentary time is not unlimited and we want the best e-petitions to be given airtime – so we will monitor the site closely over the coming months to assess whether the 100,000 figure is an appropriate target.”

To create a new e-petition, or to support and existing one, follow the link below.

e-petitions: HM Government