Police are reminding residents not to “advertise” their home to burglars

Posted on January 27 2012

Police in North East Derbyshire are reminding residents not to advertise their home to burglars during dark winter evenings.

The advice comes after a number of opportunist break-ins at houses that were left in darkness or with insecurities.

Police advice is to ensure all windows and doors are locked when you leave the house, store valuable items out of view, use a timer switch on light or a radio if you will be out for long periods and install outside lighting.

Inspector Glenn Hoggard, who is in charge of policing across NE Derbyshire, said: “People across the county are inadvertently helping burglars every day by advertising their home and the property inside.

“Most burglars are opportunist thieves and will only break into your house if it looks inviting and a dark home is inviting.

“Please don’t give them a helping hand this winter. Ask yourself: ‘Am I helping a burglar commit a crime?’ Make sure the answer is no.”

North East Derbyshire Community Safety Partnership is also running an initiative to tackle break-ins at homes left in darkness.

The initiative, called Operation Radiance, sees local housing officers, police and CSP members carry out early evening patrols around neighbourhoods leaving information packs at homes left at risk of being burgled.

For more home security advice visit the website http://www.derbyshire.police.uk or contact your local crime reduction officer on the police non-emergency number 101.