Notice of review of polling districts and places

Posted on September 06 2011

The Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006 require the Council to review Polling Districts and Polling Places every four years. The first review took place in December 2007.

The Acting Returning Officer for the Parliamentary Constituency of North East Derbyshire District Council will be consulted to make formal comments on the existing polling stations and on any polling stations that would likely be used based on any newly recommended polling places.

Representations and comments are invited from electors within the District or within a parliamentary constituency which is partly in the District, elected members (MEP’s, MP’s district and parish councillors) and local political parties, as well as organisations that have particular expertise in relation to access to premises for people with different forms of disability.

Representations should be submitted in writing to Donna Hopkinson, Elections Manager, North East Derbyshire District Council, Council House, Saltergate, Chesterfield S40 1LF or email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) by 16 September 2011.

Details of the existing polling districts and polling places and a list of polling stations can be viewed in person at the Electoral Services Office at the address shown below or on the Council’s website:

My comments and proposals on the polling districts, places and stations, as Returning Officer, will be available for Inspection at the address shown below, and on the Council’s website from 30 September 2011. Any representations on these comments and proposals must be sent to Donna Hopkinson – Elections Manager by 14 October 2011.

J H Newby – Assistant Director – Governance and Returning Officer
North East Derbyshire District Council
Council House
S40 1LF

22 August 2011