New PCSO joins the local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team

Posted on December 17 2013

Matthew Turner, 19, is the latest Police Community Support Officer to join the North Wingfield, Pilsley, Stonebroom and Shirland Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team.

PCSO Turner, who lives locally, has been spending the first month of his new role getting out on patrol and meeting the local community.

He has been to a number of parish council meetings, spent time with local church groups and gave a talk to young people at Tupton Hall School on the work of the police.

Before becoming a PCSO, Matthew was at university in Sheffield studying for a degree in Geography and Planning.

Outside of work, PCSO Turner enjoys going to the gym, playing football and supports Manchester United.

He said: “I’ve always been interested in a career with the police, and I’m really looking forward to linking in with the local community and hopefully making a difference to any concerns.

“One of my interests is around fitness and sport, so I want to work with my colleagues to set up sport coaching for young people in the area. It would be great to be able to offer positive activities for youngsters in the area which could help steer them away from anti-social behaviour.”

PCSO Turner joins his colleagues PC Sarah Dolby, PC Dave Price, PCSO Gary Green and PCSO Laura McLuckie on the North Wingfield, Pilsley, Stonebroom and Shirland Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team.

To contact the team call 101, the non-emergency number for Derbyshire police, or email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). You can also follow the team on Twitter: @SouthEasternSNT