Morton Primary School - Breakfast Club and After School Club

Posted on May 17 2013

After School Club

Morton Primary School offers an after school club for all children which runs from 3.30pm to 5.45pm. All children are welcomed with a range of planned activities including cookery club, film night, outdoor events and leisure pursuits offered in a relaxed atmosphere with a delicious choice of healthy foods for tea. Children are fully supervised and are still able to attend any after school run clubs before being collected for the after school club. Current cost is £6.00 per evening.

Breakfast Club

All children are welcome to the popular and fully inclusive breakfast club from 7.45am – 8.50am in the Hall. The children are provided with a healthy breakfast when they arrive, consisting of cereal, toast, yoghurt and fruit juice or a milky drink. Children are fully supervised with a range of fun activities often child-led and always organised appropriately for the different age groups that attend. These include games, arts and crafts and physical activities ensuring they have a calm and happy start to the day ready to concentrate on learning. Each session will cost £2.50 per child and amounts can be negotiated for extra children or extenuating circumstances.