Map of assets owned by public sector bodies has been published

Posted on August 05 2011

Public sector assets are worth an estimated £385 billion, with almost two thirds owned by councils.

By managing publicly-owned property better the government believes that savings of £35 billion over 10 years could be made.

To help identify these savings, a ‘demo’ map showing 180,000 assets owned by central government and local councils has been published.
Among the assets shown are:

  • over 130 cafes and restaurants
  • more than 100 pubs
  • an airport in Southend
  • nearly 100 golf courses
  • almost 30 sports stadiums including Swindon Rugby Club, Swindon Town Football Club and Aldershot Football Club

Communities and Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles said: “We need to know, now more than ever, exactly what assets are publicly owned. The general public probably have no idea of the sheer scale and scope of property and land on the public sector’s books. In many cases it goes way beyond traditional frontline services.

“By cataloguing each and every asset councils can help government find innovative new ways to utilise them, improve local services, keep council running costs down and save taxpayers’ money.”

The map published today is only a demonstration, showing just some of the assets that are publicly owned.

However, in future all public sector organisations will be urged to publish registers of all the buildings and land they own.

To see the new public assets map, follow the link here.