Improving village hall facilities - Second open meeting

Posted on November 11 2015

The second open meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th November in the village hall. This is an important meeting as a decision will be taken during the meeting on which option should be pursued. Please come along to participate in that important decision.

The 5 options are:

  1. Do nothing
  2. Minor refurbishment
  3. Extensions to the current building and major refurbishment
  4. New build on new site
  5. Demolish existing village hall and rebuild on the same site

The steering group wishes to seek consent at the meeting from the village to rule out options 1 and 5 and to keep option 2 as a backup, should funding not be secured for a more ambitious plan. Further the steering group feels that option 3 may be the option that should be pursued, as it would enable modern facilities to be constructed within and around the current village hall. All the options have pros and cons, which will be discussed at the meeting. However, whilst the steering group will set out their suggested preferred option, it is for everyone who wishes to do so to participate in this decision. There will be a secret ballot held during the meeting with everyone present having the opportunity to vote for their preferred option – 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Please come along to the meeting if you wish to vote. The decision will be announced during the meeting.

There is no guarantee that the option chosen can be delivered as it will depend on planning approvals, obtaining the funding, possibly acquiring land, highways approval, etc. However the decision taken at the meeting will become the priority for the steering group and if it becomes clear at a later date that the option isn’t viable then a further open meeting would be convened.