Free parenting courses for parents of children aged between two and thirteen

Posted on January 23 2013

Being a parent or carer can be hard work at times. Most families face challenging behaviour from their children at some point and knowing where to turn to for help and support can be difficult.

Derbyshire County Council offers free parenting classes to help families develop their parenting skills and pick up useful tips. They run throughout Derbyshire using the internationally acclaimed ‘Incredible Years’ programme.

They are for parents/carers of children aged between two and 13 years who want help with everyday parenting skills or families that have children with challenging behaviour. They are split in two age ranges:

  • Two to eight years (a 14-week course)
  • Eight to 13 years (a 12-week course)

The classes look at issues like play, promoting early learning, praise and rewards, limit setting and dealing with misbehaviour. Common topics covered in the skills and advice sessions include:

  • Temper tantrums
  • Bedtime and mealtimes
  • Fighting
  • Supporting homework
  • Managing stress

More information and booking forms.