Fake insurance policy scams

Posted on November 16 2013

Police are urging young drivers to remain vigilant when purchasing car insurance following a number of fake policy scams.

Ghost brokers are targeting drivers, especially those aged 17-30-years-old, selling fraudulent insurance policies with an offer that seems too good to miss.

Criminals often set up fake websites and use social media and online classification advertising to promote their bogus policies.

Detective Constable Julie Wheeldon from the East Midlands Fraud and Financial Investigation Unit said: “Becoming the victim of ghost broking can have devastating consequences for innocent motorists, and those taken in by the scam are often completely unaware that they are driving without insurance.

“Being wary of deals that seem too good to be true is essential when insuring your vehicle.

“Protect yourself by questioning what you see being offered on a website or over the phone and make sure it is a legitimate company that you are thinking of using to insure your vehicle.

“Just remember, if a deal looks too good to be true then it probably is.”

For more information call 101, the non-emergency number for Derbyshire police.