Distraction burglary

Posted on November 20 2011

This is a reminder about distraction burglary where a falsehood, trick or distraction is used to gain access to a property to commit burglary. This comes after two distraction burglaries in Chesterfield on Tuesday 15th November where the callers claimed to be dealing with blocked drains.

Common examples include

  • People reporting to be from the waterboard & need to check the water for coloured dye. They will get the victim to watch the water running whilst a quick search is made.
  • Someone may call and say there is damage to the car or something outside the property & the occupant needs to check it out. Whilst they are doing this another offender searches inside.
  • A person may say they are a neighbour & they have caught an offender that is burglarising the area & the occupant should make sure their money is safe. This leads the person to any money stored in the house.

Often times the caller will try to confuse & panic the resident into letting them in with stories of floods or that the occupant will get into trouble if they are not let in. Always try to remain calm & think about the situation. Never be afraid or feel uncomfortable to not let an unknown caller in. A legitimate caller will appreciate your situation & will not mind at all.

Please help your elderly or vulnerable neighbours & relatives by making sure they know what to do if someone calls unexpectedly at the door. The impact of being a victim of a distraction burglary can be both emotionally and physically upsetting. Offences of this nature are rare & awareness of the techniques used to gain access to the property is the best defence.

CrimeStoppers do provide advice on their website http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org

If you see anyone acting suspiciously in your neighbourhood contact Derbyshire Constabulary on 101. Try to get as much information as possible like a description of the people & details of any vehicles being used. Never put yourself in any danger & if it is an emergency contact 999.