Derbyshire County Council - Big Deals

Posted on January 07 2013

Derbyshire County Council is about to launch the Derbyshire Big Deals scheme. This is intended to make it easier for local people to cut their bills by switching energy companies.

It works by bringing people together to pool their buying power to get the best price. It’s based on an idea pioneered in the Netherlands where people saved up to £200 a year on an average bill of £1,300.

It’s easy to join. Simply pre-register with Derbyshire County Council using the link at the bottom of this page to say you’re interested. When the scheme goes live they will let you know and ask for a few more details. Then when enough people have said they’ll join − they’re hoping for 5,000 − they will strike a deal with an energy company.

There’s nothing to lose and it’s completely free to register. You choose whether to take up the offer from the energy supplier. And if you do opt to change, Derbyshire County Council will make the process of switching easy.

Further information and to register an interest.