Derbyshire Constabulary summer crime reduction advice

Posted on June 11 2012

As the weather improves Derbyshire Police recommend you consider your security methods to reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime. It can only take a moment to be targeted by an opportunist thief. Offenders are after items that they can pass on quickly & without being traced. Money is the most desirable, so make sure you keep it safe, but anything of value that can be carried away is a target.

Home Security

It can be devastating to be burgled and may cost more to fix the damage during the burglary than the value of the items taken.

  • Ensure that all windows and doors are closed and locked when you are out. Even if you are in, lock any windows and doors that are not directly observed.
  • Small windows, letter boxes and cat flap may be big enough to reach through or property taken using fishing or hooking techniques, so don’t leave anything of value nearby.
  • If you want to leave windows open while you sleep, fit window restrictors so they cannot be fully opened, or make sure they are not large enough to allow access to a burglar.
  • When out in your garden ensure that windows and doors to the front of the house are fully secure.
  • Do not leave valuables on display in reach of open windows or doors, or in front of a window that may be smashed and your possessions taken.
  • Ensure all barbecue, garden equipment and tools are securely locked up in a shed and out of sight. Tools can be used by the potential offender to break in to your home.
  • Consider fitting outside security lighting or a visible alarm to help deter burglars. Even using pea shingle or gravel on a driveway and spiky plants in garden beds can help.
  • Ensure any internal handle operated locks on UPVC doors are fully secured with a key. Take the key out & put it safe to stop the offender using it to gain access after smashing a door window or panel.
  • Post-code or indelibly mark all property such as TVs, computers, jewellery and ornaments using ultra-violet pens, forensic marking such as Selecta DNA or Smartwater, or engravers. This makes any recovered stolen property easier to return to the owner.

Shed Security

Sheds & outbuildings can be seen as easy pickings because they are often unprotected and lack basic security measures. They often contain property that can be sold on or contain tools that can be used to force entry into the owner’s or neighbour’s home.

  • Make sure the shed is of good construction and will resist the offender using a screwdriver or crowbar on the door, windows or shed panelling.
  • Make sure the door hinge screws or lock screws can’t be undone easily. By using tamper proof screws or coach bolts together with a good quality pad bar or hasp and staple and close shackled padlock, the shed owner will make it harder for the would-be thief.
  • It is also a good idea to bond any window glass in with mastic to prevent easy removal. Windows can be fitted with a grille or, as a cheaper alternative, chicken wire, to slow a thief down.
  • Ensure all tools and equipment is locked away when not in use.
  • Shed alarm can be installed. These can be battery operated so mains power isn’t required.
  • Post-code or indelibly mark all property such as lawnmowers, bikes, and tools using ultra-violet pens, forensic marking such as Selecta DNA or Smartwater, or engravers.
  • Install security lighting as a deterrent, and plants such as thorny shrubs to act as a barrier at potential access points.
  • When positioning a shed, put it where it is most visible to you and neighbours, with the door facing you.
  • Any large items like big power tools, bikes & motorbikes consider a fixed ground anchor where they can be chained to securely.

Going on Holiday

If you are going away for any length of time please consider how your house appears to an opportunist thief. Try to make your home look occupied so it isn’t an easy target.

  • Ask a trusted neighbour or relative to open and close your curtains for you.
  • Ask a neighbour if they don’t mind parking their car on your driveway and trimming your garden to make your home look occupied.
  • Cut the front and back lawns before you go away and trim any plants that burglars could hide behind.
  • Cancel milk and newspaper deliveries.
  • Before you go don’t advertise that you are going away on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.
  • Register for the Royal Mail ‘Keepsafe’ service where they will keep your mail for up to two months.
  • Leave important documents and valuable personal items with other family members or a bank.
  • Double-check that you’ve locked all outside windows and doors.
  • Set your burglar alarm.
  • Use timer units on plug in lights or even radios to make it seem that someone is in.
  • Don’t put your home address on your luggage when you are travelling to your holiday destination. A house number and postcode will suffice if you want to label your luggage.

If you would like any further advice contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team who will be happy to discuss security techniques with you. Your team can be contacted on 101 or through the website at