Derbyshire Constabulary is looking for volunteers to become Special Constables

Posted on February 17 2013

The Special Constabulary is a force of trained volunteers, who work alongside local Safer Neighbourhood team constables and PCSOs.

Specials play a crucial role in fighting crime and making the county safer. They have the same powers as police officers and are required to volunteer for a minimum of four hours a week.

Assistant Chief Constable Dee Collins said: “We have around 300 Special Constables at the moment and they are a valuable resource.

“They often work in the area they are from so they know the issues faced by the community and they are aware of local troublemakers.”

The Special Constabulary recruits people of all ages and backgrounds, but there are a few basic criteria that people need to meet if they want to join. They must be in good health, of good character and at least 18 years old to apply.

ACC Collins added: “It’s an excellent chance for people to give something back to the community and I hope people take up the opportunity.”

For further details, or an application pack, contact 0300 330 1330, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or visit