Crime in Derbyshire has fallen for the eighth year running

Posted on July 18 2011

Crime in Derbyshire has fallen for the eighth year running.

On Wednesday July 14th 2011 the Home Office has published the annual crime figures for England and Wales for 2010-11.

Crime overall in the county has reduced from 68,005 in 2009/10 to 65,884 in 2010/11 meaning there were more than 2,000 fewer reported victims this year compared to last year.

Compared to 2002/03, when National Crime Recording Standards were introduced across the country, there are 37,000 fewer victims of crime, an overall reduction of 36 per cent.

The end of year figures also saw domestic burglary reduced by two per cent, vehicle crime by 16 per cent and criminal damage by 12 per cent. Anti-social behaviour incidents were reduced by eight per cent. Violent crime* as a whole rose by four per cent.

Chief Constable Mick Creedon said: “It’s a fantastic achievement to have recorded an eighth year in a row of crime reductions.

“I must pay tribute to the commitment, dedication and hard work of all our officers and staff. Once again they have managed to achieve a reduction.

“It’s also important to recognise that the police are only one part of the fight against crime – numerous partner agencies across the city and county make a huge contribution but perhaps most important is the work done by local communities which suffer from crime but can often make the longest lasting difference by standing up and challenging unacceptable behaviour.

Mr Creedon said he was conscious that violent crime was the one area going in the wrong direction.

He added: It is something I am very aware of and we have a detailed plan on how to tackle it. Much of it is alcohol related but nevertheless it is an area we have work to do in. I am pleased to see that in the first three months of this year that we are seeing the tide beginning to turn.”

The national data also highlighted what the public’s own views of crime are through the British Crime Survey.

As part of this analysis:
56.2 per cent of people questioned thought Derbyshire Constabulary did an excellent or good job
57.1 per cent said they thought police dealt with local concerns
53.8 per cent said police and local councils dealt with issues that matter to them
50.1 per cent thought police and local council seek people’s views

All crime reduced from 68,005 to 65,884

Domestic burglary reduced from 3,772 to 3,693

Vehicle crime reduced from 6,673 to 5,594

Violent crime* increased from 16,243 to 16,961

Criminal damage reduced from 14,635 to 12,813

Anti-social behaviour incidents reduced from 67,841 to 62,945

*Violent Crime is a combination of violence against the person, assaults, sexual offences and robbery.