Are you ready for snow?

Posted on January 17 2013

Advice from Derbyshire County Council:

There are some simple steps residents can take to make sure they stay safe and well during the cold snap too.

  • Make sure you’ve stocked up with any medication you may need and other supplies such as food and baby milk if needed.
  • Eat well – food is a vital source of energy, which helps to keep your body warm. Try to make sure you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day and keep active at home if you can.
  • Keep your home warm – your main living room should be between around 18-21C (65-70F) and the rest of the house at a minimum of 16C (61F).
  • Wrap up warm, inside and out. Layer your clothing to stay warm and wear shoes with a good grip if you need to go outside. If possible, stay inside during a cold period if you have heart or respiratory problems.
  • Be a ‘snow buddy’. Check on older neighbours and relatives to make sure they’re warm enough, especially at night, with plenty of food and medicines so they don’t need to go out.
  • Keep a list of contacts you may need such as a plumber if pipes burst, an electrician and other useful numbers. To find legitimate traders visit
  • Keep an eye out for bogus officials who may call door-to-door without an appointment claiming to be from heating supply or other companies checking for problems caused by the cold weather – always check the identity of callers to your home and if in doubt call the police.
  • If you’re using a portable heater, make sure it has a safety guard and it’s placed away from furniture, beds or curtains.

Derbyshire County Council Cabinet Member for Public Heath Councillor Carol Hart said:

“We want to make sure everyone stays safe and well this winter.

“By taking a few simple steps to prepare, we can all help keep disruption to a minimum.

“Take care on the roads − only drive if you really have to.

“Keep an eye on elderly and vulnerable neighbours.

“And don’t forget there’s no law against clearing snow from the pavement in front of your property − there’s no health and safety reason not to.

“Please feel free to use the grit in grit bins around the county to keep pavements and public spaces clear − but please don’t use it on your private property. You could be prosecuted.”

Residents can find a wealth of information about severe weather issues including protecting your home, being a good neighbour, staying warm and what to do in an emergency on the county council’s website at along with:

  • School closures
  • Links to latest weather updates
  • What’s happening on the roads
  • Find your nearest grit bin
  • Gritting routes and live updates from gritters
  • ‘Is my road gritted?’ search facility
  • Tips on winter driving, gritting pavements and paths and staying safe and well
  • Sign-up for email alerts.

The County Council’s highways team is also offering some advice on staying safe on the roads during bad weather.

  • Only travel if your journey is really necessary
  • In icy conditions slow down, steer gently and avoid harsh braking
  • Use dipped headlights if driving during snowfalls
  • Check your lights are working and your windscreen washer is full
  • If going on a long journey take a shovel, torch, boots, warm clothing, food and a hot drink and charged mobile telephone.