A new community bobby has taken to the streets

Posted on August 19 2013

PC Dave Price is the newest member of the Safer Neighbourhood policing team, taking over the reins from PC Phil Parkin, who has now retired from the force.

Dave, 42, has been a police officer for eight years, working as a response officer in Alfreton for two years and from Clay Cross for five years.

He said: “I’m really pleased to be joining the Safer Neighbourhood policing team and working alongside some great community focused officers. I am familiar with the area, having worked both in Clay Cross and Alfreton as well as living in Shirland for a short while.

“It is a new role for me which will bring new challenges, but my main priorities will be to target criminality, and working on issues which will keep our neighbourhoods safe.

PC Price added: “I’ll be busy getting to know the local community over the next few weeks and if you do see me out and about, feel free to say hello, or contact us if you have any concerns you think we could help with.”

The local Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team includes PC Dave Price, PC Sarah Dolby, PCSO Gary Green and PCSO Laura McLuckie.

To contact the team call 101, the non emergency number for Derbyshire police, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or follow PCSO McLuckie on Twitter: @SouthEasternSNT.