
Improving village hall facilities - Second open meeting

The second open meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th November in the village hall. This is an important meeting as a decision will be taken during the meeting on which option should be pursued. Please come along to participate in that important decision.

Fireworks event - a great success

Many thanks to John Funnell for organising the fantastic fireworks eventand to all those involved in making this such a success, including all those working at The Sitwell Arms and all the volunteers. Thanks to the Cricket Club for allowing the firework display to take place on their land. There were 485 adults who paid for entry. There were a similar number of children, so around 1,000 people watched the display in total.

Winner of 2015 Scarecrow Competition

The scarecrows throughout the village were of an even higher standard than last year and there were many more scarecrows this year than last year. It was a very close competition with many scarecrows worthy of winning. Many thanks to everyone who participated in building scarecrows.

Fireworks event

After several years with no village fireworks event, this event is back – on the evening of Friday 6th November. Please come along and support this event, which is being held at the Sitwell Arms, opening at 5pm, bonfire to be lit at 6pm, fireworks at 7pm and entertainment afterwards. There will be jacket potatoes, hot dogs and mulled wine. Adults £2, children free (children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult). Financially supported by Morton Parish Council.

Improving village hall facilities

The date for the next public meeting regarding the plans to improve the village hall facilities will be 24th November at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Flu vaccination

Flu is a common infectious illness spread by coughs and sneezes. It can be very unpleasant, but you’ll usually begin to feel better within about a week. However for young children, people aged over 65, people with long-term health conditions and pregnant women flu can be far more serious. It can lead to serious health complications including bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections. A free flu vaccination is offered to those at highest risk of complications thorough GP surgeries, pharmacies and schools.

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