
Residents encouraged to protect their property by registering on Immobilise

Many police forces are encouraging residents to protect their property by registering their valuables on a free national property register. The Immobilise database is an online property search which can be used by police officers across the country to trace the owners of any property they recover.

Neighbourhood Watch

The next meeting of the Neighbourhood Watch is on Thursday 19 April at 7.30p.m. in the Village Hall. The subject for the meeting is Home Security and there will be a raffle for NHW funds.

New Playground - Update

The contractors constructing the new playground are expected to start on site in mid April 2012.

Morton Brook clean up

On Saturday 10th March over 20 volunteers helped clean up Morton Brook. Many tyres, beer cans, plastic sheets and other rubbish were pulled out of the mud and picked up from the area, filling a skip. Overhanging branches were pruned and the area was tidied up.

Can you help?

On Saturday 10th March 2012 from 10.00am onwards, volunteers are required to help clean up the brook and woodland between Morton and Stonebroom Industrial Estate.

New Playground

Morton’s proposed new playground looks set to go ahead. Funding has been awarded by Viridor, one of the countries largest recycling, renewable energy and waste management companies, meaning the new park on New Street could happen soon.

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