
105 trees planted to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Morton has many notable trees – see the full article for details. Many of these trees were planted a long time ago and have been part of our village for generations. It’s important that we plant trees for the benefit of future generations so on the afternoon of 11th November around 20 volunteers planted 105 trees provided free of charge by the Woodland Trust as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations, including one sapling from a Royal Estate. It was very disappointing to those of us working to improve our village to see over 60 of these trees stolen or destroyed within the first 7 days after planting.

War Memorial

Maintenance work has been carried out on the War Memorial – the memorial has been cleaned of the green algae and moss, the railings painted and the flag stones re-pointed. This work was completed just in time for Remembrance Sunday.

Keep warm, keep well this winter

As the cold weather descends, Department of Health release the latest Keep Warm Keep Well leaflet for the public, especially the over 60’s, low income families and people with a disability or a long term health condition.

Reminder over vehicle security

Police are reminding residents to keep their valuables out of sight following a number of car thefts. There have been more than 30 thefts from vehicles throughout the area since the start of October, which includes the districts of North East Derbyshire, Bolsover, Chesterfield and Amber Valley.

Reminder to residents to consider home security when homes left unoccupied

Local police officers would like to remind residents to consider home security when heading off for an autumn break. Burglaries at properties left unoccupied whilst the owners are away have increased recently. If you are going away for any length of time please consider how your house appears to an opportunist thief. Try to make your home look occupied so it isn’t an easy target.

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